Top Six Pack Diet Foods You Should Be Eating

Six Pack Diet By Roger Ruzzier

Your been exercising and exercising, but still your struggling to shift the flab (or get rid of it). So what should your six pack diet include? Here it is (if your don't already know). If you do, and your not following it as guide, then print it out and stick it to your fridge, so you see it next time you head for that tub of vanilla chocolate fudge ice cream.
Fruit and vegetables (dahhh!) If your getting your daily inadequate vitamins and minerals from chocolate and biscuits, then forget about your six pack. Government guidelines recommend 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Well aim for 7 because it wont kill you! It really isn't that hard, all you have to do is swap an apple for a biscuit (or whatever your swapping preferences are). You know you could probably eat 5 small apples for the same amount of calories that are in 2 chocolate biscuits and guess what the apples will make your fuller and will provide you will the adequate vitamins and minerals you need, combined with your other fruit and veg portions. So you want to aim for 5 vege portions and 2 fruit portions, around the size of your fist. Do it, you will feel much better.
Lean meat, fish and dairy. Its the protein in food that will help you six pack pop out. You know your abdominals are muscles just like and other part of your body, i.e. bicep, quads, chest, hence when you exercise them, they breakdown and it will be the protein in your six pack diet that will help regenerate and grow you abdominal muscles. Know I am not talking chickens with skin on and fatty cuts of beef. Here you will eat lean chicken breast, turkey, white fish, tuna, salmon, lean cut red meats, cottage cheese and 2% fat skim milk. Oh and a portion of protein is the size of your open palm.
Wholewheat and grains. Try replacing your white bread, pasta, rice products for wholegrain pasta, bread and rice. These foods will 1. help your stay fuller for longer as it take longer for your body to process them and hence you will receive a much steadier flow of energy to your brain and the rest of your body. 2. They contain more vitamins and minerals to fuel yourself for that next workout, or your day ahead. Stick to oatmeal in the mornings also, it really is one of natures number one super foods.
Good fats. Olive oil, sun flower oil, olives, avocados, nuts. These are natures fats and are the ones that are going to keep your blood flowing smoothly, not block it. Try and avoid animal generated fats and they are the once that are highest in saturated fat. General rule of thumb is not to have more than a tablespoon of any fat at any once sitting as well.
So there you have it. Balance the above foods, whilst eating regularly at 2-3 hour intervals and your six pack diet will be well on track. Start today at
Roger Ruzzier is a Certified Personal Trainer and Life Coach. If you're ready to start stripping 2+ pounds of fat per week go to
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